The NoNoxa Solution

Fully flexible and Research-based NoNoxa platform utilizing scalable, crypto-cloud-based technology to Reduce Self-Exclusions, Sustain Revenues and Protect Players.

Detect the problematic players at the right time

Our advanced AI model, agnostic to market and gambling products, leverages machine learning and DSM-5 harm markers for early detection. Tailored to each operator and fully compliant in all jurisdictions, it serves as an early intervention engine, proactively addressing over 30 customer behaviours both positive and negative.

Fully Customized to Operators’ needs

Customizable Algorithmic safety net

According to Risk appetite

Tailored Risk
Score System

Without compromising player safety

Thresholds Customization

Applicable to segments, markets and behaviours


Optimise revenues under compliance  constraint

Three pillars of success for maximum impact

Advanced modelling enhances detection accuracy and custom messaging through data-driven communication, incorporating the latest harm markers from research.

Our innovative technology facilitates the efficient handling of large data volumes in real time, ensuring scalability through optimized distributed algorithms and intelligent data storage solutions.+

Data Science Expertise

Cloud Engineering

Research & Domain Expertise

Dashboards and Reporting

Maximize Your Advantage with Our Enhanced Dashboards and Reporting for Responsible Gaming Management and Business Impact Analysis.